Call for submissions: Future Classic Movies

UPDATE #2 – May 25: I so enjoyed everyone’s posts and enough people asked if they could contribute to FCM that I’m going to do a second round. If you wrote for the original blogathon, and want to write about another movie, please do!

Same concept…Pick a movie from 2000 or later (more than one is OK too), and write about why you think it will endure to become a Future Classic Movie. Bonus predictions could be who will be hosting on this channel and how will movies be delivered to the consumer (hologram, chip in the brain, etc.)

Email me at paula.guthat [at] to let me know which movie you want to do (try to pick one that wasn’t done already).

New dates…Put a link to the FCM Round 2 megapost somewhere in the first paragraph of your post and publish it on Wednesday, June 20. Feel free to use the graphic below. Then email me the link to your post. I will then compile all the links into one mega post and publish it on Thursday, June 21. Note: you will get a 404 when you try that link, but it’s there. It’s just not public yet.


UPDATE: The call for submissions is now closed. Links to everyone’s FCM posts may be found at the FCM Blogathon Mega Post.


As a confirmed TCM addict, I’ve often wondered what movies from the 21st century would stand the test of time, like Casablanca, Gone With The Wind or Out of the Past. If there is even such a thing as TV and channels in the future. What would programming look like in 30 or 40 years from now?

And then I thought, why just think about it, when I’d love to hear other people’s ideas. And so the FUTURE CLASSIC MOVIES (FCM) BLOGATHON was born.

Everyone who wants to participate picks a movie from 2000 or later (more than one is OK too), and writes about why they think it will endure to become a Future Classic. Bonus predictions could be who will be hosting on this channel and how will movies be delivered to the consumer (hologram, chip in the brain, etc.)

Post your pick (s) to your blog on Wednesday, May 23 and email me the link to the post. Feel free to use the graphic above. I will then compile all the links into one mega post.

All I ask is that you to link to the megapost in your first paragraph somehow, using this shortlink:

So what do you think? If you’d like to participate, please DM me on Twitter @Paula_Guthat or email me paula.guthat [at] with “FCM blogathon” as the subject, giving me a couple of choices of Future Classics you’d like to write about. Thanks!

7 thoughts on “Call for submissions: Future Classic Movies

  1. Hi, Paula:

    I took some time and made up a list of three Future Classics.

    It should be in your E-Mail Inbox right now.

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